
Casinos are a business that makes money by offering games of chance. These include slot machines, poker, blackjack, roulette and other casino games. They also offer perks such as free food and drink to attract gamblers.

They use chips instead of real money, because it’s easier for them to track how much players are spending and losing. They also put ATMs in strategic locations, which helps keep gamblers coming back for more.

Security is a major concern for casinos. They use sophisticated surveillance systems to watch patrons in every room at once. They also record the video feeds of cameras, so that if they spot a suspicious person or group they can follow up later.

Some casinos have a dedicated team of security workers who keep an eye on the gaming floor. They look out for cheats and croupiers who may be trying to take advantage of their customers.

In addition, casinos hire a number of people to watch over table games. These are often referred to as pit bosses or managers. They watch for any signs that a dealer is cheating and make sure all the chips at the table are being paid out correctly.

In the 1990s, casinos began using electronic technology to monitor games. They used computers and video cameras to supervise gambling at all the tables, including roulette. This technology allows casinos to see when a player’s betting pattern has changed and to alert them to any unusual patterns. It also allows casinos to control the payouts on roulette wheels.