Poker is a game where players compete to make the best 5-card hand out of a deck of cards. The higher hand wins the pot. It is possible to bluff your way to a win, but if you do this, don’t tell friends or family what you are holding.

Players take turns revealing their cards. When it is your turn, you can either check, raise, or fold. Before you can raise, you must first put in the amount of chips you’d like to call.

A pair is two cards of equal rank. If you have a pair, you will usually have a better hand than your opponent.

Fours of a kind is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank. For instance, a five-card flush of Ace-K-J-Q-J-A is called a straight flush.

Five-card hands are sometimes used instead of pairs to create a higher hand. For example, a straight flush of ace high will beat a straight flush of K-A-2-3-4.

In some games, the ace is treated as the lowest card. This is used to break ties if several people have the same high hand.

One of the main advantages of playing poker is that you can make an educated bet. You may bet that you have the best hand or you may bet that you have a bad hand.

In most games, the player to left of the big blind is the first to act. After the first round of betting, the player with the best face-up card moves to the final betting phase.